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Where does the Money Go?
Tom Whitmore Post 28 of The American Legion
Where do the Veterans Relief Funds go? These funds help Veterans in the region. We help Veterans who have exhausted efforts to put food on the table, who over extended their funds due to a unforeseen household emergency, an unexpected extra living expense when the Veteran is on a fixed income, when the Veteran is stranded in the area and needs emergency funds to make it a little further. Veterans with children and our senior homebound Veterans are always a priority to help. We do verify that the person is a Veteran and assess each case. We also cooperate between other Veteran organizations in the area to ensure that the immediate need is satisfied.
Tom Whitmore Post 28 of the American Legion distributes these funds only as Cash Grants. Tom Whitmore Post 28 of The American Legion has distributed over $85,000 over the past 8 years to Veterans in Need and other veterans assistance programs. Music for Vets has generated $75,000 towards the Local Area Veterans Assistance programs over the past 7 years. These Veteran Assistance programs are administered through Tom Whitmore Post 28 of The American Legion, Archie Hay Post 24 of The American Legion and Post 2321 Green River, Veterans of Foreign Wars.
Following are the past 46 Months grants;
End Date 8/1/2022
Stranded Veteran (Cash Grant - Travel), Local Veteran RS (Cash Grant – Food), Local Veteran GR (Cash Grant – Unexpected expense on fixed income – utilities), Stranded Veteran w/Children (Cash Grant travel/Lodging), Veterans Family (Cash Grant Christmas Food), Local Veteran GR (Cash Grant Food), Local Veterans at Mission at Castle Rock (Cash Grant for Food), Local Veteran GR (Cash Grant – Unexpected expense on fixed income – utilities), Local Veteran GR (Cash Grant Food), Local Veteran GR (Cash Grant Unexpected expense on fixed income – utilities), Stranded Veteran (Cash Grant - Travel), Local Korean War Veteran GR (Cash Grant Unexpected expense on fixed income – Food), Stranded Veteran (Cash Grant - Travel), Local Veteran Point of Rocks (Cash Grant Food), Local Veteran with 2 children GR (Cash Grant Food), Local Korean War Veteran GR (Cash Grant Unexpected expense on fixed income – Food), Local Korean War Veteran GR (Cash Grant Unexpected expense on fixed income – utilities), Local Veteran GR (Cash Grant Unexpected expense on fixed income – Utilities), Local home bound Veteran GR (Cash Grant Unexpected expense on fixed income – Food), Local Veteran with 2 children GR (Cash Grant Unexpected expense on fixed income – Food), Stranded Veteran (Cash Grant - Travel), Stranded Veteran with 5 children under 10years old (Cash Grant – Travel and lodging), Stranded Veteran (Cash Grant - Travel), Local Veteran RS (Cash Grant – Food), home bound Veteran GR (Cash Grant Unexpected expense on fixed income – Food), Stranded Veteran with young child RS(Cash Grant - Travel), Local Veteran GR (Cash Grant Food). Stranded Veteran (Cash Grant). Local Veteran Accident Injury (Cash Grant). Local Veteran Accident Injury (Cash Grant). Local Veteran fixed income emergency expense (Cash Grant). Local Veteran emergency expense (Cash Grant). Local Veterans Housing (Paid for needed supplies). COVID: Local Veteran GR (cash grant) Transportation. Local Veteran RS – with child (Cash Grant) Food. Local Veteran RS Food Utilities (Also forwarded to RS American Legion and VFW for assistance). Local Veteran GR (Cash Grant) RENT/UTIL/FOOD. Local Veteran RS (Cash Grant) FOOD.Local Young Veteran Family, new to area, awaiting first paycheck, out of food cash grant (assisted with National Assistance as well). Stranded Veteran, fuel, hotel.Young Veteran Family, Lost job due to COVID, Food, Cash Assistance (assisted with National Assistance as well). Fixed income Korean War Veteran, Unexpected emergency expense. Cash Grant. Veteran relocating, lost Job due to COVID, Fuel. 4 cash grants to Veterans in need, 2 Cancer Treatment Travel, 2 Job Search travel (Fuel). Assisted Veteran Family out of funds, starting new job, lost previous job due to COVID. Stuck Veteran, almost made it to Vernal - Fuel. Traveling Veteran - out of funds OK on Gas - Hotel and food. $3,000 to Post 24 for their Veteran Relief Program. Local Veteran with 2 children GR (Cash Grant Food), Local Veteran fixed income emergency expense (Cash Grant). Out of Town Broke down, Army Tank of Gas, Motel Room (CASH GRANT). Local Veteran, FOOD, (Cash Grant).Local Veteran, Unexpected Expenses, Emergency with Kids, FOOD (Cask Grant). Local Veteran, With Kids, FOOD, Expenses (Cash Grant). RS, Wheel Chair Ramp (CASH Grant), Local Veteran, Emergency Travel (Cash Grant). Veteran Ramp Construction Wheel Chair (Cash Grant). $1,500 to Post 24 for their Veteran Relief Program. $1,500 to VFW 2321 for Veteran Relief Program.